Sunday, June 1, 2014

Blog Post #3

With my concentration being in English, I have taken my fair share of English classes. Especially considering I will be a Senior in the Fall. With that being said, I would have to say I have done more peer reviewing/editing than the average college student. However, after watching Peer Editing and Writing Peer Review (Peer Critique) TOP 10 Mistakes, and reading Peer Edit with Perfection Tutorial I can honestly say there were some areas of my peer editing style that needed a little fixing up.

Peer editing cartoon

One of the biggest things I realized I need to work on is giving positive feedback. I never have given a negative response in any of my peer editings, but I also barely ever give positive responses like those discussed in the video, "Peer Editing". The adorable video about the top 10 mistakes made when peer critiquing also helped me see different sides of peer editing that can go wrong if not done properly. After watching the videos and going through the slideshow, I definitely will be changing some of my peer critiquing habits as soon as I can!


  1. It is great to see that even as an English major you got something out of the peer editing videos. Maybe these are videos and articles that you will use for a lesson on peer editing in your future English classes.

    Overall, good job!

  2. "I never have given a negative response in any of my peer editings…" I wish I could say that. Perhaps your peers are better than some of my students. That could be the case since they may be primarily English majors.

  3. Great job adding working links and alt/title modifiers!

  4. Great post! I also had some good takeaways from the different peer editing resources we viewed. I never realized that there should be a certain model used in order to critique someone's work. From now on I am going to make sure to begin my feedback by identifying the positive aspects of the work so that they will be more receptive of other, possibly negative, critiques that need to be made.

  5. Thank you everyone for the feedback on my post!
